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9-15 June 2025

Headline sponsor

Oxfam GB

Oxfam is a global movement of people working towards a world without poverty.

We are a partner to communities around the world tackling poverty, recognising that it can occur anywhere, to anyone. We are driven by the radical belief that acting together is more powerful than standing apart. From tackling extreme vulnerability in crises, to speaking out for fair solutions on the climate crisis, and calling for the work that billions of women do to be fairly valued, every time we work together as a coalition of equal, like-minded partners, learning and enabling one another, we take another step toward a radically better world. This is a world where all of us have access to exactly what we need to thrive.

Silvia Galandini, Domestic Poverty Lead at Oxfam GB says: 

"Every day, across the UK, carers help hold our society together and sustain our economy - an invisible network of empathy and support for those who need it the most. Despite this huge contribution, unpaid care remains largely under-valued, taken for granted, unsupported and under-invested in. Too many people who care for others – and particularly women who are more likely to provide unpaid care - are exposed to significant financial hardship and poverty. Oxfam is committed to working with others to ask that care is better valued as a collective responsibility and a crucial social good that needs to be adequately invested in by governments, supported by employers, and more equally distributed within our communities. No one should live in poverty as a consequence of caring, or for any other reason. 

"Carers Week provides an excellent opportunity to stand together in solidarity to recognise the vital contribution of carers and support joint calls for change, and Oxfam are delighted to be involved.” 

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